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数据库sql server 2008常用语句和数据表基本操作

时间: 作者:admin 浏览:
/*create table T_Person(Id int not null,Name nvarchar(max),Age int null,NickName nvarchar(max))*/

--create table T_PersonAutoIncrement1(Id int not null primary key identity,Name nvarchar(max),Age int null,NickName nvarchar(max));

/*use Person1;
create table T_Person(Id int not null,Name nvarchar(max),Age int null,NickName nvarchar(max))
drop table T_Person;


/*insert into T_Person(Id,Name,Age,NickName) values(1,'狗蛋1',21,'gou');*/

/*alter table T_Person add Height int;*/

/*alter table T_Person alter column Height bigint;*/

/*alter table T_Person drop column Height;*/

/*更新某一行中的一个列(某个表格)//将id=1的那一行里面age值设置为30,这里不用谢update table
T_Person,直接写update T_Person就可以了,跟上面的不同,上面的都有table*/

/*update T_Person set Age=30 where id=1;*/


/*update T_Person set Age=40 ,NickName='猪八戒' where id=1 */

delete from T_Person where Age =20 and id=3;*/

/*delete from T_Person;*/
/*delete from T_Person*/

select Name from T_Person; */

select distinct Name from T_Person;

use Person1;
select Age from T_Person order by Age desc;--以年龄的倒序输出,顺序是asc
select Name from T_Person order by Name;--以字母的顺序输出名字
select Name , Age from T_Person order by name ,Age;--先以名字字母顺序排,有相同的项则再按年龄的顺序排,从小到大;
select Name , Age from T_Person order by name asc ,Age asc;--也可以这么写
select Name , Age from T_Person order by name asc ,Age desc;--名称字母顺序,年龄逆序

create database my_db;


/*drop database my_db;*/


--create table U_PersonUniqueid(id bigint not null unique,name nvarchar(max) not null,age int);

--create table U_PersonUnique(id bigint not null,name nvarchar(max) not null,age int,constraint uc_name unique(id));


--alter table U_Person add constraint uc_PersonID unique(id,orderid);

/*删除名称为uc_name(uc其实为unique constraint的缩写) 的unique约束*/
--alter table U_PersonUnique drop constraint uc_name;

--强制约束id和name唯一 //这条语句报错是因为Name设置了max,超过了作为索引的最大值900,将max改为小于等于900的值就可以了;
--create table UC_Person(Id bigint,Name nvarchar(max),Age int,constraint uc_onlyone unique(id,Name));
--create table UC_Person(Id bigint ,Name nvarchar(800),Age int,constraint uc_onlyone unique(id,Name,Age));

--alter table UC_Person drop constraint uc_onlyone;
--alter table UC_Person add constraint uc_onlyone unique(id);
--alter table UC_Person add constraint uc_onlyone1 unique(Name);
--alter table UC_Person add constraint uc_onlyone2 unique(Age);

--这里直接写alter table UC_Person add constraint uc_onlyone unique(id,Name,Age);竟然不行,所以独立写了三个就可以,不知为什么;有待探讨

--insert into UC_Person(id,name,age) values(1,'na',110);

--update T_Person set NickName=N'未成年' where Age<18 and Age>1;
--update T_Person set NickName=N'壮年' where Age>25 and Age<35;
--update T_Person set NickName=N'老少' where Age<18 or Age>40;
--update T_Person set NickName=N'老年' where (Age<18 or Age>40) and Age=50;

--insert into T_Person(Id,Name,Age,NickName) values(NEWID(),'lucy',22,'Wlucy');


use Person1;
select Age as 年龄,Name as 姓名,NickName as 昵称 from T_Person where Age>20;

select NEWID();
select @@VERSION;
select 1+1;
select 1+1 as 列1;
select 1+1 as 列1,GETDATE() as 日期,NEWID() as 编号;
select 1+1 as 列1,GETDATE()+1000 as 日期,NEWID() as 编号;


select COUNT(*) from T_Person;--总共有多少条数据
select MAX(Age) from T_Person;--年龄最大值
select Min(Age) from T_Person;--最小值
select avg(Age) from T_Person;--平均值
select sum(Age) from T_Person;--和

select COUNT(*) from T_Person where Age>23;--统计符合条件的数据条数

select * from T_Person order by Age; --按年龄排序,默认是顺序
select * from T_Person order by Age Asc; --按年龄升序排序
select * from T_Person order by Age Desc;--倒叙输出 

select * from T_Person order by Age Asc ,Id Desc;--升序降序混合用
select * from T_Person where Age>23 order by Age Asc ,Id Desc;--加过滤条件

select * from T_Person where Name='tom';--精准匹配
select * from T_Person where Name like '_om';-- 单个字符匹配,_代表一个字符,前匹配
select * from T_Person where Name like 'to_';--后匹配

select * from T_Person where Name like '_o_';--三位,前后各一位匹配

select * from T_Person where Name like '%m';--前匹配0-多个字符;
select * from T_Person where Name like 'm%';--后匹配0-多个字符;
select * from T_Person where Name like '%r%';--包含r的匹配

select * from T_Person where Name is null;--不知道的值null//null不是没有值,而是不知道

select * from T_Person where Name is not null;--不为不知道的数据

select 'aaa'+'1';--aaa1
select 'aaa'+null;--还是null

select null+1;--还是为null
select null*1;--还是null
select null-null;--还是null

select * from T_Person where Name=null;--等于查不出来
select * from T_Person where Name<>null;--不等于,都查不出来
select * from T_Person where Name!=null;--不等于,都查不出来

select * from T_Person where Name is null;--正确查法
select * from T_Person where Name is not null;--正确查法

select * from T_Person where Name='tom' or Age=22 or Age=30;--多个不同可以用or
select * from T_Person where Age in (20,25,26,29);--多个相同列的用in
select * from T_Person where Age in (20,25,26,29) and Name is not null;--混用;
select * from T_Person where Age >20  and Age <30;--区间

select * from T_Person where Age >= 20 and Age <= 30;--区间等于
select * from T_Person where Age between 20 and 30;--区间等于另一种写法,包括等于的值

select COUNT(*) from T_Person ;--统计人数

select Age,count(*) from T_Person group by Age;--对年龄进行分组;
select Age,Name count(*) from T_Person group by Age;--报错,不能使用不在group by出现的列名,聚合函数除外,看下面例子

select Age,MAX(Id),COUNT(*) from T_Person group by Age;--取某一组中的id的最大值;正确
select Age,AVG(Id),COUNT(*) from T_Person group by Age;--得到某一组中的id的平均值;正确
select Age,AVG(Id) as 平均值,COUNT(*) as 个数 from T_Person group by Age;--得到某一组中的id的平均值,以列名平均值输出;正确,以年龄分组,输出年龄,各组的平均值,各组的个数

select Age,COUNT(*) from T_Person where COUNT(*)>5 group by Age;--报错,要用having,不能用where
select Age,COUNT(*) from T_Person group by Age having COUNT(*)>1;--having要放到group by后面;
select Age,COUNT(*) as 年龄组 from T_Person group by Age having COUNT(*)>1;--给列名
select Age,COUNT(*) as 年龄组 from T_Person group by Age having Age>28;--以年龄大于28的进行分组,输出年龄,各组的个数

select distinct Age from T_Person;--查询不重复的Name数据;
select distinct * from T_Person;--查询不重复的Name数据;

--如何使用远程服务器的数据库,首先左上角的链接点击,填写对应的链接地址链接成功后选中要查询的数据库,然后点击上面的新建查询就可以直接查询了,必要时要写use 来查询

use Person1;
select Age from T_Person order by Age desc;
select top 3 Age from T_Person order by Age desc;--只输出年龄列
select top 3 * from T_Person order by Age desc;--输出年龄前3的人的所有列,按倒序输出

select top 5 id from T_Person order by Age desc;--按年龄倒序前5列的id输出
select top 3 * from T_Person where id not in (select top 5 id from T_Person order by Age desc) order by Age desc;--第六条开始取3条

alter table T_Person add Salary int;
update T_Person set Salary=(id*500)+(Age*100) where Salary is null;

select Age from T_Person order by Age desc;--取到所有人的年龄
select distinct Age from T_Person order by Age desc;--针对正行信息重复的,并不是所有重复的

select Age, Salary from T_Person order by Age desc;
select distinct Age, Salary from T_Person order by Age desc;

use Person1;
select Age,Name from T_Person 
select Age,Name from p1;
select Age,Name from T_Person 
union all
select Age,Name from p1 order by Age;--按年龄顺序输出

select 'T年龄最大值',MAX(Age) from T_Person 
union all
select 'T年龄最小值',MIN(Age) from T_Person 
union all
select 'p年龄最大值',Max(Age) from p1 
union all
select 'p年龄最小值',MIN(Age) from p1 ;

select Name,Age from T_Person where Age>22
union all
select '年龄合计',SUM(Age) from T_Person where Age>22 order by Age;


select ABS(-3);--绝对值
select CEILING(3.33);--往上取整
select CEILING(-3.33);--往上取整,比他大的整数
select FLOOR(3.33);--往下取整
select FLOOR(3.83);--往下取整
select FLOOR(-3.83);--往下取整,比他小的整数
select round(3.33124154,3);--四舍五入精确到第三位小数
select round(3.536515154,3);--四舍五入精确到第三位小数、

select LEN('fsdfsdfsdf');--字符串的长度
select Name,LEN(Name) from T_Person;--名字长度,为null的长度依然为null
select Name,LEN(Name) from T_Person order by LEN(Name);--按名字长度输出,为null排前面;

select LOWER('FDFDF');--转小写
select upper('kjfdskjf');--转大写
select LTRIM('    bb    ');--去掉左边空格
select RTRIM('    bb    '),LEN(RTRIM('    bb    '));--去掉右边空格
select LTRIM(RTRIM('    bb    ')),LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM('    bb    ')));--两边去掉

select SUBSTRING('abcdefghijklmn',1,4);--字符串,从(1为最小值)什么位置开始,取多少位,跟js中的substring参数定义不同,js为0开始,取到截至位置
select Name, SUBSTRING(Name,1,2) from T_Person;

select GETDATE();--当前时间
select DATEADD(YYYY,3,GETDATE());--往后加三年 简写yy或者yyyy
select DATEADD(year,-3,GETDATE());--往前减三年

select DATEADD(month,3,GETDATE());--往后加三个月,简写mm/m
select DATEADD(month,-3,GETDATE());--往前减三个月mm/m

select DATEADD(DAY,3,GETDATE());--往后加三天dd/d
select DATEADD(DAY,-3,GETDATE());--往前减三天

select DATEADD(HOUR,25,GETDATE());--往后加25个小时hh
select DATEADD(HOUR,-3,GETDATE());--往前减三个小时

select DATEADD(MINUTE,3,GETDATE());--往后加三分钟mi
select DATEADD(MINUTE,-3,GETDATE());--往后倒三分钟

select DATEADD(SS,3,GETDATE());--往后加3秒s/ss
select DATEADD(SECOND,-3,GETDATE());--往后倒3秒

select DATEADD(MS,3,GETDATE());--往后加3毫秒
select DATEADD(MS,-3,GETDATE());--往后倒3毫秒

select DATEDIFF(DD,'2017-04-28','2017-05-30');--dd代表天
select DATEDIFF(M,'2017-04-28','2017-05-30');--mm代表月

use Person1;
select indate from T_Person;

select DATEDIFF(yy,indate,getdate()) as 年限组,COUNT(*) as 这一年有多少个人 from T_Person group by DATEDIFF(yy,indate,getdate());

select DATEPART(YY,GETDATE());--取年分

select DATENAME(WEEKDAY,GETDATE());--今天星期几//星期日
select DATENAME(WEEK,GETDATE());--今天是今年第几周---和datepart输出不同的是datename输出的是字符串类型

select DAY(GETDATE());--取天
select MONTH(GETDATE());--取月
select YEAR(GETDATE());--取年


select DATEPART(YY,indate),COUNT(*) as 个数 from T_Person group by DATEPART(YY,indate);


select CAST('123456' as int) , CAST('2017-04-30' as datetime);--字符串转换为int和datetime,超出范围会报错

select CONVERT(datetime,'2017-04-20'),CONVERT(varchar(50),123);--第一个参数是将要转换成的类型

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